Make a Donation

By making a donation to ACRC, we will transform your gifts into local projects in Austin and global initiatives abroad.

Donate to the ACRC Foundation

A gift to the ACRC Foundation will help fund community service projects and global grant initiatives. On average , our members organize and participate in 12 service projects per year. Every project falls within Rotary's six areas of areas of focus: growing local economies, saving mothers and children, supporting education, promoting peace, preventing disease and providing clean water.


Donate to the Rotary Foundation

Gifts to the Rotary Foundation are distributed back to clubs around the world through grants. Foundation gifts help support our character-building program, Early Act First Knight, at Pecan Springs Elementary and global grants.

Our club has a history of giving, and (on average donate $15,000 to the Rotary Foundation each year.
If you are a member of Rotary, please login to your My Rotary account and select the Annual Fund Share option to make the greatest impact.
